Make Money Online by sharing files including documents, presentations, videos, and images. ShareRUN is a great platform for aspiring artists to make money from their original content (music, original videos, art, poetry..).
Simply upload your files to ShareRUN and share your files with the world (through email, social media or your own website). You can be compensated for every download of your files or every time a premium membership is sold to customers you bring in.
Either way, ShareRUN will share its revenues with you and allow you to turn your original content into Money.
Only $5 Minimum PAYOUT!
New higher rates for USA/UK/GERMANY traffic
Click here to view Payment Proof
Term & Conditions
1. We count each and every completed download.
2. We pay to our affiliates via Paypal & AlertPay.
3. We pay you 35% of your referral earning.
4. You must have $5 in your account for requesting payout.
5. Downloads of files smaller than 1MB do not qualify.
6. Your upload must meet our terms of service
7. Downloads by your own account does not count.
8. You will be disqualified and banned if you try to manipulate/abuse our system.
9. No restriction for any country - free downloads for everyone is guaranteed.
upload file
1 commentaires:
Just received a check for $500.
Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn filling out paid surveys online...
So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for filling paid surveys to set the record straight.
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